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[Foss4ga.discuss] FOSS4G Asia 2018: Oral & Poster Presenter’s Guide

Foss4g Asia
Sun, Nov 25, 2018 9:57 PM

Dear Presenter's

Greeting from FOSS4G Asia! One more week to go
Good time to prepare your presentation (oral / poster)

*Please refer following guidelines
and refer the attached schedule *

Academic Track Oral Presenter’s GuideIntroduction

You will probably wish to prepare some slides to support your presentation.
Prepare your slides as a PowerPoint file or a PDF and bring them with
you to the conference.

The total time allotted to each presenter is *20 minutes *(15 Minutes for
Presentation and 5 Minutes for Q/A).

You will need to load your presentation onto the session computer 30min
before your stream
, to facilitate a smooth transition between
speakers. Name your file with the session No, Presentation ID and name of
the presenting author (e.g., Session1-PID1-Jayasinghe). (Note: Session
and Presentation ID will be available on the conference website on 25th
November, 2018).

We recommend that you also bring  your presentation on a data stick or
other portable memory device

*If you wish you can use FOSS4G Asia template attached herewith. Feel free
to use and modify it. *

Audio-Visual Equipment

The presentation room will be equipped with a laptop PC and projector.
There will also be a microphone. Wireless Internet access will be available
from the presentation computer.

If you opt to use your own computer to connect to the projector please
consider the following:

No adapters will be available on site; Please be sure to bring the proper
adapter that will fit your computer.

Technical Staff will not be able to mitigate any issues that may arise
with your personal machine

Preparing your presentation

The oral presentations will be given in a medium size lecture hall (seating
up to 50-150 people). You need to make sure that a large audience will be
able to see and read your visuals clearly. All presentation will
recode by the conference organizing committee and all the presentations
would be broadcasted online.

Speaker Agreement

All presenters have to agree on following conditions;

  1. Sessions are open to all conference participants, including members
    of the press, higher educational institutions and representatives of
    corporate organizations.
  2. Presentations (Slides, Audio Video Recording) are share on conference
    web and AV would be broadcasted online.

Presenter's are required to register for the conference by October 20,

General Track

Oral Presenter’s Guide**Introduction

You will probably wish to prepare some slides to support your presentation.
Prepare your slides as a PowerPoint file or a PDF and bring them with
you to the conference.

The total time allotted to each presenter is *20 minutes *(15 Minutes for
Presentation and 5 Minutes for Q/A).

You will need to load your presentation onto the session computer 1hr
before your stream
, to facilitate a smooth transition between
speakers. Name your file with the session No, Presentation ID and name of
the presenting author (e.g., Session1-PID1-Jayasinghe). (Note: Session
and Presentation ID will be available on the conference website on 25th
November, 2018).

We recommend that you also bring  your presentation on a data stick or
other portable memory device

*If you wish you can use FOSS4G Asia template attached herewith. Feel free
to use and modify it. *

Audio-Visual Equipment

The presentation room will be equipped with a laptop PC and projector.
There will also be a microphone. Wireless Internet access will be available
from the presentation computer.

If you opt to use your own computer to connect to the projector please
consider the following:

No adapters will be available on site; Please be sure to bring the proper
adapter that will fit your computer.

Technical Staff will not be able to mitigate any issues that may arise
with your personal machine

Preparing your presentation

The oral presentations will be given in a medium size lecture hall (seating
up to 50-100 people). You need to make sure that a large audience will be
able to see and read your visuals clearly. All presentation will
recode by the conference organizing committee and all the presentations
would be broadcasted online.

Speaker Agreement

All presenters have to agree on following conditions;

  1. Sessions are open to all conference participants, including members
    of the press, higher educational institutions and representatives of
    corporate organizations.
  2. Presentations (Slides, Audio Video Recording) are share on conference
    web and AV would be broadcasted online.

Presenter's are required to register for the conference by October 20,

Poster Presenter’s Guide**Introduction

A poster session is a graphic presentation of an author’s research.
Authors illustrate their study findings by displaying graphs, photos,
diagrams, and a small amount of text on poster boards. In presenting your
research with a poster, you should aim to use the poster as a means for
generating active discussion of the research. Poster sessions are a
valuable opportunity for authors to present papers and meet with interested
attendees for in-depth technical discussions

Poster sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Location is 5th Floor,
Department of Town & Country Planning (as same as area allocate for lunch
and tea)

*If you wish you can use FOSS4G Asia template attached herewith. Feel free
to use and modify it. *
Preparing your poster

The poster must be A0 size (A0 size is 841mm x 1189mm) in
portrait orientation. The title should be the same as in the submitted
abstract. Display poster ID long with the authors Name (Note: Poster ID
will be available on the conference website on 25th November, 2018).

The poster should be easily readable at a distance of two metres. Use
UPPER and lower case for general content as the use of all-capital text is
difficult to read. Avoid using a mixture of type/font styles.

Simplicity is the key. Keep to the point, and don’t try to cover too many
things. Present only enough data to support your conclusions. On the other
hand, make sure that you present sufficient data to support your

Presenting authors should print their physical poster based on the
requirements listed in the sections above. FOSS4G Asia 2018 Conference does
not print posters on behalf of presenters.

Authors may bring additional written material of a non commercial nature
that supplements the material presented on the poster. Business cards is a
great networking opportunity.

QR Codes (optional). FOSS4G Asia 2018 is promoting the idea of QR Codes for
authors to incorporate into their posters. This would allow you to add a
barcode readable by smartphones. The barcode can be designed to link the
person viewing your poster to a related video, your website, or your
contact information.

Computers without audio may be used to run demonstrations and display
additional information or illustrations. No electrical outlets will be
provided @ poster session area. Please come with your computer charged!,
if you want to use in the poster session

Poster Setup Information

  1. Poster authors can set-up their posters before 30min on the day of
    their poster session.
  2. Poster numbers will be posted on the poster boards in numerical
    order; please find your paper number and post your poster in the designated
  3. FOSS4G Asia 2018 provides a display board and thumbtacks for
    presenters to use to attach posters made of paper or lightweight poster
    board. Bring tape, heavy duty fasteners or tacks as back up to the
    thumbtacks as determined necessary.
  4. A poster author or coauthor is required to stand by the poster during
    the scheduled poster session to answer questions from attendees.
  5. Presenters must remove their posters immediately after the poster
  6. Posters and other materials not removed at the end of the poster
    session will be considered unwanted and will be discarded.
  7. FOSS4G Asia 2018 assumes no responsibility for posters left up after
    the end of each poster session.
Dear Presenter's Greeting from FOSS4G Asia! One more week to go Good time to prepare your presentation (oral / poster) *Please refer following guidelines <https://www.google.lk/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enJP697JP697&q=guidelines&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt07GpvvDeAhVMr48KHSERAr0QkeECCCkoAA> careful and refer the attached schedule * *Academic Track **Oral Presenter’s Guide**Introduction* You will probably wish to prepare some slides to support your presentation. Prepare your slides as a *PowerPoint* file or a *PDF* and bring them with you to the conference. The total time allotted to each presenter is *20 minutes *(15 Minutes for Presentation and 5 Minutes for Q/A). You will need to *load your presentation onto the session computer 30min before your stream*, to facilitate a smooth transition between speakers. Name your file with the session No, Presentation ID and name of the presenting author (e.g., *Session1-PID1-Jayasinghe*). (Note: Session and Presentation ID will be available on the conference website on 25th November, 2018). We recommend that you also bring your presentation on a data stick or other portable memory device *If you wish you can use FOSS4G Asia template attached herewith. Feel free to use and modify it. * *Audio-Visual Equipment* The presentation room will be equipped with a laptop PC and projector. There will also be a microphone. Wireless Internet access will be available from the presentation computer. If you opt to use your own computer to connect to the projector please consider the following: *No adapters will be available on site; Please be sure to bring the proper adapter that will fit your computer.* *Technical Staff will not be able to mitigate any issues that may arise with your personal machine* *Preparing your presentation* The oral presentations will be given in a medium size lecture hall (seating up to 50-150 people). You need to make sure that a large audience will be able to see and read your *visuals clearly*. All *presentation* will *recode* by the conference organizing committee and all the presentations would be *broadcasted online.* *Speaker Agreement* All presenters have to agree on following conditions; 1. Sessions are open to all conference participants, including members of the press, higher educational institutions and representatives of corporate organizations. 2. Presentations (Slides, Audio Video Recording) are share on conference web and AV would be broadcasted online. Presenter's are required to register for the conference *by October 20, 2018* --- --- --- *General Track* *Oral Presenter’s Guide**Introduction* You will probably wish to prepare some slides to support your presentation. Prepare your slides as a *PowerPoint* file or a *PDF* and bring them with you to the conference. The total time allotted to each presenter is *20 minutes *(15 Minutes for Presentation and 5 Minutes for Q/A). You will need to *load your presentation onto the session computer 1hr before your stream*, to facilitate a smooth transition between speakers. Name your file with the session No, Presentation ID and name of the presenting author (e.g., *Session1-PID1-Jayasinghe*). (Note: Session and Presentation ID will be available on the conference website on 25th November, 2018). We recommend that you also bring your presentation on a data stick or other portable memory device *If you wish you can use FOSS4G Asia template attached herewith. Feel free to use and modify it. * *Audio-Visual Equipment* The presentation room will be equipped with a laptop PC and projector. There will also be a microphone. Wireless Internet access will be available from the presentation computer. If you opt to use your own computer to connect to the projector please consider the following: *No adapters will be available on site; Please be sure to bring the proper adapter that will fit your computer.* *Technical Staff will not be able to mitigate any issues that may arise with your personal machine* *Preparing your presentation* The oral presentations will be given in a medium size lecture hall (seating up to 50-100 people). You need to make sure that a large audience will be able to see and read your *visuals clearly*. All *presentation* will *recode* by the conference organizing committee and all the presentations would be *broadcasted online.* *Speaker Agreement* All presenters have to agree on following conditions; 1. Sessions are open to all conference participants, including members of the press, higher educational institutions and representatives of corporate organizations. 2. Presentations (Slides, Audio Video Recording) are share on conference web and AV would be broadcasted online. Presenter's are required to register for the conference *by October 20, 2018* ------------------------------ *Poster Presenter’s Guide**Introduction* A poster session is a *graphic presentation* of an author’s research. Authors illustrate their study findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on poster boards. In presenting your research with a poster, you should aim to use the poster as a means for generating *active discussion* of the research. Poster sessions are a valuable opportunity for authors to present papers and meet with *interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions*. Poster sessions are scheduled for *90 minutes*. Location is 5th Floor, Department of Town & Country Planning (as same as area allocate for lunch and tea) *If you wish you can use FOSS4G Asia template attached herewith. Feel free to use and modify it. * *Preparing your poster* The poster must be *A0 size* (A0 size is 841mm x 1189mm) in *portrait orientation*. The *title* should be the same as in the submitted abstract. Display *poster ID* long with the authors Name (Note: Poster ID will be available on the conference website on 25th November, 2018). The poster should be *easily readable* at a distance of two metres. Use UPPER and lower case for general content as the use of all-capital text is difficult to read. Avoid using a mixture of type/font styles. *Simplicity* is the key. Keep to the point, and don’t try to cover too many things. Present only enough data to support your conclusions. On the other hand, make sure that you present sufficient data to support your conclusions. Presenting authors *should print their physical poster* based on the requirements listed in the sections above. FOSS4G Asia 2018 Conference does not print posters on behalf of presenters. Authors *may bring additional written material* of a non commercial nature that supplements the material presented on the poster. Business cards is a great networking opportunity. QR Codes (optional). FOSS4G Asia 2018 is promoting the idea of QR Codes for authors to incorporate into their posters. This would allow you to add a barcode readable by smartphones. The barcode can be designed to link the person viewing your poster to a related video, your website, or your contact information. Computers without audio may be used to run demonstrations and display additional information or illustrations. No electrical outlets will be provided @ poster session area. Please come with *your computer charged*!, if you want to use in the poster session *Poster Setup Information* 1. Poster authors can set-up their posters *before 30min* on the day of their poster session. 2. *Poster numbers* will be posted on the poster boards in numerical order; please find your paper number and post your poster in the designated space. 3. FOSS4G Asia 2018 provides a *display board* and *thumbtacks* for presenters to use to attach posters made of paper or lightweight poster board. Bring tape, heavy duty fasteners or tacks as back up to the thumbtacks as determined necessary. 4. A poster author or coauthor is required to *stand by the poster* during the scheduled poster session to answer questions from attendees. 5. Presenters *must remove their posters immediately after the poster session.* 6. Posters and other materials not removed at the end of the poster session will be considered unwanted and will be discarded. 7. FOSS4G Asia 2018 assumes no responsibility for posters left up after the end of each poster session.